
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Preparing the HOME for the upcoming New Year and all it's Possibilities

There's NO place like HOME!

With this in mind, NOW is the time to prepare your home for the upcoming New Year, if you want to harness all the potential of 2014, then you have to make room for it!

Now is the time to tidy up your space.
Remove anything that is not used any more, give more things to Charity resale stores or animal shelters (who need old blankets, towels & etc).
Also clear out any old worries from your mind...managing is just that, it is not losing sleep and not eating, that is not managing that is worrying, and that leads to too much stress on the system.

Be good to your self, these next few days..give your self a break.
Change you routines, don't make outlandish New Years resolutions..the easiest to follow are to want to be happier, healthier and learn from your mistakes.

Light more candles ( white preferred for New Year) in safe places, as you do so voice your intentions for the upcoming not leave lit candles unattended.

Now is the best time of year to sort out all your old herbs and spices..anything not  opened and not used in 6 months...throw onto compost pile/compost bins.

  Do the same with anything stale in your pantry/fridges/shelves.
Try and remember to date mark all packages as they are purchased then you can use them wisely.
Dried beans and grains DO DRY out and become stale if kept longer than 12 months in a reg, home kitchen, as does dried pasta.

Go to any public land..parks, beaches, woodlands and scatter wild, native plant seeds for the upcoming spring (it is the intention of welcoming new growth that the universe recognizes), some seeds will take root, you are also feeding the wild birds.

Create a Wish/intention Family board:

A special notice board with all of the members of family's wishes and hopes for upcoming year then post photos/notes of accomplishments as the year progresses..this is a "spiritual growth marker, too".

Wherever possible bathe in lavender oil/soap.

When the New Year Chimes in, ring silver bells (this is where the tradition of Silver Bells at Christmas comes in).
Place more wind chimes around the house and listen to them, become aware of there tones, welcome in the New Year and it's limitless potential.

The morning of Jan 1st, wash all door steps and window sills on the outside of the home with a light mix of cold water and sea salt (1 tsp per gallon).
This is to keep bad luck and bad witches out. ( for high rise, you may use a spray bottle.).

2014 is a 7 year...Divine Intervention is be ready for ANYTHING.


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